
Why should you protect your Gadgets?

We all have numerous gadgets nowadays, whether it’s a smartphone, a tablet, a gaming console or a laptop, our worlds are filled with cool, electronic goods that we’ve learned to love. 

However, even though these items are increasingly robust, there is still the likelihood that with a bang here or misplacement there they’ll be stolen, lost or broken.  Yes, electrical companies utilise all sorts of amazing technologies such as Gorilla glass and certified waterproofing to protect our gadgets, however there’s always going to be issues. 

Bangs and Knocks 

First things first and let’s discuss the most obvious reason for protecting your new phone – knocks and bangs. The average phone takes all sorts of knocks, falls and bangs in its life time and ensuring that it’s got insurance that covers these potential issues, as well as a case can limit serious issues.

Now, not all cases are created equal and we implore you to perform a little research before stumping up 59p on eBay. There’s plenty of reasonably priced cases out there that offer good protection for your phone’s back and screen. We know it’s an extra few pounds, but we can tell you that replacing a phone display, or having to look at a big scratch on the back of your lovely, shiny phone is a far more distressing prospect.


Of course, not all damage happens to the phone exterior. Antivirus apps and software prevent the numerous issues that we see increasingly commonplace on phone software. From viruses that lock up phones, to Trojans that cause all sorts of issues, an anti-virus program is a necessity and a must download and nowadays a lot of these apps are free, which is great! Many also come with software that allows you to remotely wipe the data on your device.

Phone Tracker

Whether you lose your phone or it’s taken, installing a phone tracker app is also a smart move is a wise move. These apps use your GPS to monitor your device and if it’s stolen or lost will show its location via GPS. Once again many are free and some anti-virus software includes phone trackers as part of the software.


Put simply, if you’re willing to pay £40 a month for a phone or to stump up £500 in advance then you should insure it. Insurance costs only a few pounds a month and it offers you peace of mind. Phone insurance not only covers the cost of repairs to the phone and insures against it being stolen, many also cover you against issues regarding calls made without your permission among other things. 

The thing that we need to remember when caring for our devices is that a lot of our lives are stored on there and for better or worse they’ve become an integral part of our social, work and personal lives. So for all your insurance needs is there to help you, so why not get an instant quote today

*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.

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