In a hugely competitive market, saving money on your phone contract is entirely possible. So here’s a quick guide to getting the cost down.
Network Coverage
If you’re thinking of switching network provider, then first make sure that your area provides sufficient network coverage. Ask friends, or check your phone provider’s website for a postcode checker detailing the coverage in your area.
If you’re quite happy with your network provider and cost is the only issue, don’t be afraid to haggle, especially if your contract is coming to an end. Make it plain you’re a loyal customer, and then politely express your thoughts about perhaps going elsewhere to see what they come up with!
Always get a good idea of your current usage before looking elsewhere. If you only text and never call, then this is valuable information to help you get a better deal. In some cases, PAYG may be cheaper if you regularly fall short of your minutes allowance. There are also plenty of online comparison tools to help you decide.
Consider an Alternative Phone
If you’re not concerned about being on the razors edge of cutting edge cool, then opting for an older model of phone can lower costs. It will also reduce the price of your phone insurance as the more expensive the phone, the more it will cost to insure. If you’re quite happy with your current phone, then a SIM only contract can save you big bucks!
*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.