It’s that time again, your mobile phone contract is coming to an end and it’s time to upgrade to a brand new sparkly phone. Excitedly, you start looking at the options available and that excitement soon turns to confusion and even panic as you realise the multitude of options out there.
Don’t despair, take a few deep breaths, take a little time and create a wish list of what you want from your mobile phone, and it will make the decision so much easier.
Which brand?
Do you have a brand favourite? Are you a big Apple fan or does your loyalty lie with Nokia, has a Samsung worked in the past or are you itching try something new?
What features?
Do you spend a lot of time on networks? Is a camera important? Will go on the internet? Is a music player something you need? Most of the mobile phone providers have checklists on their sites so you can tick the things that make you, well tick! And leave out the ones you know you aren’t going to use.
Which package?
This is most important as it’s going to dictate how much you’ll spend each month on your mobile phone. Check the package details carefully – look at where you spend the most money now, do you text or call? Send photographs? How long arre you online and where? And don’t forget your mobile phone insurance! All these things make a difference and will help you find the right package.
*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.