
App usage has grown year on year, each year for the last half decade. Interestingly, even though app usage overall grew by a decent 33% during the 6 months to June 2014, health and fitness app usage in particular, exploded by 62%. Although, like any growth area there’s a mixture in the quality offered and that’s why we feel it’s a good idea to showcase some of the very best out there – so let’s go!


One of the keys to good health is to be aware of patterns that lead to problems – cause and effect if you will. One way to monitor this is to use SympleThe app makes it easy to track issues such as shoulder pain, or headaches and facilitated the keeping of notes and allows you to take photos of problems. It also lets you record the medication you take, exercise you do and the foods you eat. In turn, this makes it easy to monitor your lifestyle and allows you to make informed decisions on whether your actions are having an impact on your health.

Gain Fitness

Personal trainers aren’t cheap, however Gain Fitness goes a large part of the way to solving this. One of the best things about the app is that you simply enter the inventory of the equipment that you own and then it will create countless routines for your specific fitness level using those items. It also closely monitors everything you do and logs your sessions over time. 


The Argus app monitors absolutely every part of your day – from your walking around the office, to your snoring when you fall asleep. It then produces detailed charts of your health and well-being, making it easy for you to uncover health strengths, improvements and also points and areas you need to improve upon. It’s attractive to use and also easy on your battery – important if it’s constantly in use.


Interval training is the exercise de jour and it’s easy to understand why when you see the results it helps achieve. Power20 not only offers you a full interval workout, but also alters the workout based on your previous efforts. So, for example if you can only do 20 push ups, it takes note of this and alters your workout to fit your capabilities. 


Use this app to monitor the foods you’re purchasing. Fooducate is a simple to use app that allows you to monitor the food you purchase for calories and offers alternatives to help you make healthier choices. It also tracks calorie intake and exercise levels too.


A soothing guided mediation app that helps you to relax and take a break from your busy day. Calm comes with 50 different guided meditation options and many are focused on different areas and aspects of mediation. So, if you’re searching for focus, creativity, or relaxation there’s a program on there for you. 

These are a taste of some of the amazing apps that people can use on their phones to help create a greater sense of wellbeing and to improve health. 

Tweet us @budgetmobcover and let us know what health apps you think are the best.

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*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.

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