
Statistics show that the number of mobile phone addicts grew from 79 million people to 176 million people between March 2013 and March 2014 (an increase of 123%). Do you think you’re addicted? Could you survive without your phone? 

There’s no denying that technology is overtaking our lives. There’s even a dedicated word for mobile phone addiction – ‘nomophobia.’ It’s the pathological fear of remaining out of touch with technology. 

New figures from TIME released earlier this year reveal that the average mobile phone user only launches an app 10 times a day, but a mobile addict launches them more than 60 times each day. The survey also reveals that there are approximately 15 million more women than men fit the description ‘mobile addict.’ 

Thanks to the ever-increasing rise of the SmartPhone, sales of digital cameras have significantly dropped and more and more people are using their gadget to replace everyday objects, including alarm clocks, cameras and TVs. According to Ofcom, 15% of Brits live in a mobile-only household – it’s no surprise then, that the number of fixed landline subscriptions has fallen steadily since 2000. 

Want to find out if you are addicted to your phone? Click here to take a quiz compiled by BuzzFeed, which allows you to determine whether you are actually addicted. 

So… if you’re worried you might suffer from nomophobia or are a ‘mobile phone addict’ what can you do? 

• Create no-phone timeframes – try to establish specific zones each day where you are not allowed to use your phone. Put it away or turn it off and stay completely dedicated to the task in hand. 
• Don’t wake up to your phone – buy yourself an alarm clock and leave your phone completely switched off for the first half an hour of your day. Use this time to shower, enjoy a wholesome breakfast and stretch. Start the day off in the good, old-fashioned way, without waking up to emails, texts and reminders! 
• Avoid the temptation of using your phone while driving – switch it off as soon as you get into the car or place it in your glove compartment. Let’s not forget that your life and other people’s are at stake. 
• Try to remember that when you are in somebody else’s company, focus on them. Share a conversation, a cup of coffee and engage with that person. Keep virtual conversations and virtual friendships of less value than real life conversations and friendships. Keep a balance. 
• Switch your gadget off when you go to sleep – ‘blue’ light is the most melatonin-suppressive, which is submitted from tablets, smartphones and other devices and reduces sleep duration. 

This inspirational video ‘Look Up’ encourages mobile users to have a break from their phone, look up, take in the scenery and connect with one another. 

What do you think? Are you addicted? Could you live without your phone? Tweet us and let us know.

*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.

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