It only takes a second to smash a screen on your phone, or crack the precious touchscreen on a tablet. Everyone’s experienced that moment of stomach-churning panic when their phone lands face-down on a tiled floor.
If you’re unlucky, you’ll have a device that’s either difficult or impossible to use. Sometimes small cracks don’t affect the device’s functioning. Other times, it won’t respond at all until you have a new screen fitted.
As electronic gadgets have become essential, repair shops have sprung up everywhere. But fixing electronics can be risky. Who can you trust to get it right?

Manufacturer Repair
If you want a repair that’s guaranteed to work, you can contact your manufacturer; some, like Apple, offer in-store repair services. If your manufacturer doesn’t provide any repair service, your network might either repair your device or provide you with another one under the terms of your insurance. (Be aware that this will probably be a refurb, not a new device.)
Local Repair Shops
Apple attracted a lot of criticism when it disabled phones that had had their screens repaired by repair shops. These days, using a high street repairer is a safe bet providing the repair technicians are careful.
Replacing a phone screen is risky; the screen itself can separate, or in some cases, you may find other parts of the phone stop working after the repair. If a repair shop uses genuine parts, that’s always a good sign, but don’t entirely rely on it.
Ask around for opinions from friends and family before leaving your phone with a local shop. You might also want to check whether the repair is guaranteed or not; 30 days should be the bare minimum.
Online Specialists
Many online stores allow you to mail in your device for a repair. You should be able to get a quote online.
There are two obvious risks of using these services though; one is the risk of posting expensive devices which are already in a fragile condition. And on top of that, you don’t really know who’s receiving the devices on the other end.
So again, check the repairer’s reputation and be sure to read the guarantee. Even if the store provides a freepost envelope, it’s a good idea to pay for Special Delivery if your device is valuable.
Is it Time to Replace Your Phone?
Sometimes, screen repairs are inexpensive, but there’s always a risk that your repair costs will spiral out of control. Unless you have a fixed quote for your repair, it might be time to get a new one. The outlay might be higher, but sometimes spending old money on a device that’s outdated is a false economy.
Another alternative is to buy insurance for your devices so that you don’t have to pay out for repairs. Here at Row, we offer insurance for all kinds of gadgets, so you don’t have to worry about sudden repair costs if they get broken. We cover the whole family on one policy, offer weekly payments, and even cover your devices abroad.
*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.