
How to Bleed a Radiator

Radiators are large devices usually installed on the walls that work as thermal heat exchangers. They are basically heaters to keep the space warm as they emit warm/hot air when turned on. Radiators are of great use in the UK winters, they are compulsory and essential for every building, be it commercial or residential. They make the winters bearable and somewhat warm enough to keep us alive. Now, we wouldn’t want to freeze to death if our radiators stop working, would we? So we shall discuss the quick check up and rectify in 5 minutes.

Radiator Problem Indications:

The alarming situation to look after is when you turn your heating on but the upper part of the radiator feels cool while the bottom feels hot. And obviously, the radiator is not working. The underlying problem is cool air trapped inside the radiator which has to get out in order getting the radiator working again; this process is commonly called ‘bleeding the radiator.’

How to Bleed a Radiator:

       After diagnosing your radiator, the second immediate thing to do is turn off your heating system so you can thoroughly look up and fix the hitch.

       Get your radiator key or buy one from any hardware store. Also, don’t forget to quickly grab a towel.

       There is a ‘bleed valve’ originated on top of either side of the radiator to which the radiator key is fit and rotated anti-clockwise. A hissing sound audible to the ears would be the first signal of opening of the valve after which warm splurge of water and air (which might be black and sludgy) will pour out. Wipe it continuously so it doesn’t ruin the floor or carpet.

       When transparent water starts pouring out, turn the key clockwise and close the bleed valve. Now your radiator is as good as new!

       Check the pressure of heating system. When air is withdrawn, the overall pressure of the boiler and system drops which can lead to deficient heating of the radiators on the top floor of your house. So don’t forget to re-set the normal pressure (12-15 psi) to keep up all the radiators running.

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