
New technology has many benefits to the modern entrepreneur and apps can make managing a business easier than ever. Detailed below are some of the essential entrepreneur apps that everyone in the business sector should have.

Productivity is essential to every entrepreneur; the Workflow app makes it possible to automate tasks and create short cuts on a tablet or smartphone. Workflow makes scheduling appointments or arranging tasks easy to manage, and it is essential for efficient and effective task management.  

Tracking the company’s finances is vital for every entrepreneur, especially in the early days. The Dollarbird app makes financial management straight forward and manageable for every business owner. By entering the current cash balance, the entrepreneur can track their spending and make financial forecasts, as well as being able to identify how their cash flow varies at different times of the year.

With Bench, entrepreneurs can store their bank statements and other financial information, which can then be accessed via the app. In addition, Bench also provide professional bookkeepers to prepare accounts, helping to ensure that the finances always kept up-to-date.

This app allows screenshots, files and links to be shared among a team. Users of the app can share anything from audio recordings to Photoshop files in an instant. A free plan is available for entrepreneurs that wants to test out the service first; paid plans start from a fairly low price a month.

Continually filling out paperwork is time-consuming and constantly printing it out is bad for the environment. However, proper documentation is crucial to every business, and this is where the Canvas app comes in! 

The Canvas app has numerous functions including the ability to make calculations in order to produce estimates, a GPS tracker so the entrepreneur can locate their equipment or members of staff quickly and the ability to send dispatch notices to staff, and to accept mobile payments.

Google Drive
It might get overlooked a bit these days but Google Drive is still vital for saving and sharing documents, spreadsheets, slideshows and pictures; as it is cloud-based, users of Google Drive don’t have to worry about losing their important files and it allows them to work from anywhere.

*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.

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