It’s 2015 and we are in full smartphone mode; children have them, older individuals are getting to grips with them and the majority of those in between are obsessed with them. The presence of the smartphone in our lives slowly increased until now, when many of us can’t bare to be apart from them for a minute and being without signal, on a plane or at work away from our phones can be an anxious thought. One key reason for our obsession with smartphones is social media, it provides a window to keep in touch with our friends, our family, celebrities and even those we don’t like at all.
Using social media on our smartphones is a daily, often hourly, occurrence for the general population and is not saved simply for the tech heads and social media addicts among us; but why are we so obsessed with social media on our smartphones?
Social Media: The Smartphone Obsession
There are a number of reasons why we are obsessed with social media on our smartphones, and we’ve compiled the top ones...
Convenience - Social media on our smartphones is hugely convenient; not only does it save us starting up a laptop or desktop computer, but it also provides us with instant updates to Facebook messages, Tweets and Instagram comments among others. Having social media on our smartphones is easy and efficient.
Update, Update, Update - For those Tweet addicts of the world, having an app allowing you to Tweet on the go is ideal. Whenever something pops into your head, you can tweet it. Thanks to smartphone apps we can update our social media accounts with statuses, photographs and funny tweets from wherever we may be.
Fear of Missing Out - We’ve all had it, the fear of missing out. Anyone who is obsessed with social media on their smartphone will know that having a constant stream of updates when we are out and about ensures we don’t miss out on a single thing and can keep up to date with friends and family.
Is It Okay To Be Obsessed With Social Media on Our Smartphones!?
Though having your eyes down on your smartphone or tablet at all times is not ideal, it is a matter of fact that in the twenty first century that almost all of us do it. Being obsessed with social media on your smartphone is okay and is something the many of us are faced with, just remember that talking to people face to face is often easier than tweeting them and there are other fun uses for smartphones such as games, photography and helping with organisation.
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*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.