
Many could argue that Apple’s latest iPhone has undergone relatively few changes to warrant its adoration from ardent fans. After all, it’s essentially the same phone dressed up in a different colour, or rather a choice of three different colours – champagne, silver or space grey.

However, there are subtle changes that make this iPhone Apple’s best to date. And in particular, one ingenious feature that puts it way ahead of its competitors. Touch ID.

One touch ahead

The iPhone 5s’ Touch ID is such a simple concept, that until now, we’ve only been exposed to something similar in the movies. Think Tom Cruise accessing all manner of high-tech things in, well, pretty much all of his recent movies.

Touch ID does away with entering a security passcode to access the iPhone 5s. Having said that, Apple has sensibly retained this feature for users who prefer the security of entering a passcode to unlock their phone. This brand is anything but inconsiderate.

Let your finger do the unlocking

Using fingerprint scanning, the latest iPhone allows you to unlock and access your phone by pressing the Home button with your finger. It’s as simple as that.

More power to your finger

As well as unlocking your phone, the Touch ID feature can be used in place of your iTunes’ password when purchasing apps and downloads. This eliminates the need to recall your password from the recesses of your mind where it hangs out with numerous others. Enough said.

Easy to set up

The initial set up of the Touch ID feature couldn’t be simpler. When prompted, just rub the pad of your preferred finger up and down the Home button, aka the sensor. This allows the feature to map your fingerprint. To get an even better image of your unique identity, you’re also asked to place the edges of your finger on the sensor too. This ensures better accuracy and factors in the differing placement of your finger during day-to-day phone usage. A slight buzz and an on-screen message will indicate finger recognition is complete and you’re good to go.

How does it work?

Your fingerprint is stored on the iPhone 5s’ A7 chip. When you press the Home button, or we should say, the Touch ID sensor, it communicates directly with this to verify your fingerprint. Clever, eh?

How secure is it?

Your fingerprint is only stored on the A7 chip and nowhere else on your phone. This means it won’t get backed up to iCloud and therefore won’t be available to others. And if alarming movie visuals of severed fingers keep popping into your head whilst you’re reading this, don’t worry; the sensor requires a live finger!

The Touch ID feature is a great addition to the new iPhone 5s and has the scope to be utilised on other devices in the future. We’re sure it won’t be too long before we see widespread use of this ingenious feature by Apple. All that is left to say is, watch this space.

*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.

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Keeping Your Phone Safe & Sound At A Festival Blog

Summer is in full swing now, which means that festival season is also upon us! Whether it’s UK-based or you’re travelling overseas to enjoy an international festival, you need to invest in phone insurance.

Festivals can be a tough place for your phone – rain, mud, drunk people spilling drinks, thieves… so make sure you’re prepared before you go! Statistics recently published by Aviva Insurance highlights an average 16% of festival-goers are affected by theft.

Here’s our top tips for keeping your phone safe:

1. Invest in a case
Take your phone in a case, even if you don’t think it looks as pretty to avoid unnecessary damage to it.

2. Take an extra battery source
Yes there are plenty of places where you can charge your phone at a festival, regardless of your network, but recently several festivals are offering the opportunity to purchase your own Power Bar so you can charge your phone independently. 

3. Extend your phone’s battery
You can do this easily by reducing the brightness of the screen, de-activating Bluetooth, WIFI and GPS.

4. Activate phone tracking
This is your lifeline to stopping thieves in their tracks! You can download an App from the App store (we recommend ‘Find My iPhone’ for free on iPhone).

5. Register your device
The majority of phones and gadgets are unfortunately never reunited with their rightful owner because police can’t find out who they belong to. Make sure that your phone is registered so that you can increase your chance of seeing it again if you misplace it. It’s also a good idea to make a note of your phone’s IMEI number so that you can report it if it is stolen.

6. Most importantly… Get it insured!
Be protected against accidental damage, breakdown, theft or loss. can offer you a great UK service with multiple claims permitted each year.

You can protect your mobile phone from as little as £1.49 with Click here to get a quote with us today.

*The information in this blog is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. Please seek a professional for expert advice as we can not be held responsible for any damages or negative consequences upon following this information.

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